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Change the API

This guide provides detailed information on what needs to be done when the API needs to be changed.

etcd-druid API follows the same API conventions and guidelines which Kubernetes defines and adopts. The Kubernetes API Conventions as well as Changing the API topics already provide a good overview and general explanation of the basic concepts behind it. We adhere to the principles laid down by Kubernetes.

Etcd Druid API

The etcd-druid API is defined here.


The current version of the API is v1alpha1. We are currently working on migration to v1beta1 API.

Changing the API

If there is a need to make changes to the API, then one should do the following:

  • If new fields are added then ensure that these are added as optional fields. They should have the +optional comment and an omitempty JSON tag should be added against the field.
  • Ensure that all new fields or changing the existing fields are well documented with doc-strings.
  • Care should be taken that incompatible API changes should not be made in the same version of the API. If there is a real necessity to introduce a backward incompatible change then a newer version of the API should be created and an API conversion webhook should be put in place to support more than one version of the API.
  • After the changes to the API are finalized, run make generate to ensure that the changes are also reflected in the CRD.
  • If necessary, implement or adapt the validation for the API.
  • If necessary, adapt the examples YAML manifests.
  • When opening a pull-request, always add a release note informing the end-users of the changes that are coming in.

Removing a Field

If field(s) needs to be removed permanently from the API, then one should ensure the following:

  • Field should not be directly removed, instead first a deprecation notice should be put which should follow a well-defined deprecation period. Ensure that the release note in the pull-request is properly categorized so that this is easily visible to the end-users and clearly mentiones which field(s) have been deprecated. Clearly suggest a way in which clients need to adapt.
  • To allow sufficient time to the end-users to adapt to the API changes, deprecated field(s) should only be removed once the deprecation period is over. It is generally recommended that this be done in 2 stages:
  • First stage: Remove the code that refers to the deprecated fields. This ensures that the code no longer has dependency on the deprecated field(s).
  • Second Stage: Remove the field from the API.