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Manage GCS Emulator

This document is a step-by-step guide on how to configure, deploy and cleanup GCS Emulator, within a kind cluster. GCS Emulator emulates Google Cloud Storage locally, which allows the Etcd cluster to interact with GCS. This setup is ideal for local development and testing.


Ensure that you have setup the development environment as per the documentation.

Note: It is assumed that you have already created kind cluster and the KUBECONFIG is pointing to this Kubernetes cluster.

Installing gsutil

To interact with GCS Emulator you must also install the gsutil utility. Follow the instructions here to install gsutil.

01-Deploy FakeGCS

Deploy FakeGCS onto the Kubernetes cluster using the command below:

make deploy-fakegcs

02-Setup GCS Bucket

To create a GCS bucket for Etcd backup purposes, execute the following command:

gsutil -o "Credentials:gs_json_host=" -o "Credentials:gs_json_port=4443" -o "Boto:https_validate_certificates=False" mb "gs://etcd-bucket"

03-Configure Secret

Connection details for a GCS Object Store are put into a Kubernetes Secret. Apply the Kubernetes Secret manifest through:

kubectl apply -f examples/objstore-emulator/etcd-secret-fakegcs.yaml

Note: The secret created should be referred to in the Etcd CR in


To clean the setup, delete the FakeGCS deployment:

kubectl delete -f ./hack/e2e-test/infrastructure/fake-gcs-server/fake-gcs-server.yaml